Today was the PA Motorcycle Safety Program (MSP) Summer Picnic; it was held at Appalachian Harley Davidson in Mechanicsburg. As some of you know, Chris is a Rider Coach with the MSP. We talked about going to the picnic with Dan (also a Rider Coach) last month on the
June NRR Ride. Chris wound up making the plans with Dan, as well as Kris (another Rider Coach) and her boyfriend, Jim. We met this morning at 8:45 PM at the Uni-Mart/Exxon on West College Avenue. We had six people on four bikes - Dan and his wife Ann on their Magma Red BMW K1300S, Kris on her Lava Orange Metallic BMW K1300S, Jim on his Silver Triumph Tiger 955i, and us on our Sapphire Blue Metallic Kawasaki Concours 14. (I mention the colors only because we had a conversation about the very specific and volcano-esque names for the BMW colors.)
We followed the same route we took last weekend with Jerry & Leisa and Shane & Andrea. From the Uni-Mart, we headed south on PA 26 to McAlevy's Fort where we picked up PA 305 through Greenwood Furnace State Park. After a right onto PA 655, we made a quick left onto Wills Road, which eventually becomes Jacks Mountain Road which, not surprisingly, goes up and over Jacks Mountain. A left onto US 522/22 led us into McVeytown, where we turned right onto John Street and took PA 103 up toward Lewistown where we connected with PA 333. PA 333 runs along the Juniata River on the opposite bank from US 322. If you've ever driven through the Narrows at night and have seen headlights on the other side of the river? That's PA 333! We took PA 333 to Port Royal where we picked up PA 75 very briefly before turning onto PA 74 south. We ran PA 74 all the way to PA 944 to Rich Valley Road which dumped us right onto US 11 at Appalachian Harley Davidson.
Jo Hays Vista on PA 26 |
Waiting at the temporary stoplight on PA 26. |
Here we go again with the "barns from the bike" photos! |
Working with a team of horses. |
Dan & Ann, Kris, and Jim following us. |
A seen from the back of the bike.
I'm considering putting all of these into a coffee table book! :) |
The Juniata River in McVeytown. |
Cool saltbox house! |
We still have all of our followers...whew! |
Dan and Ann |
Jim and Kris |
Jim gearing back up after our stretch break outside of Port Royal. |
Ann and Dan getting ready to get back on the road. |
Kris waiting patiently. |
Another shot looking back at our group. |
Heavy rains Friday night meant muddy waters on Saturday! |
Yay! A non-blurry photo from atop Waggoner's Gap (PA 74). |
We parked the bikes and proceeded to strip down to shorts, t-shirts, and flip-flops/sandals/sneakers. We checked in at the registration desk, got our name tags and door prize tickets, said "hello" to/met a few other Central Region Rider Coaches, and wandered over to the dealership in search of restrooms. When we returned to the picnic area - the dealership's HUGE pavilion complete with food concessions - we stood around talking to some other coaches. While we were standing there, I saw my friend Alyssa's dad, Bill, arrive. Bill is a Rider Coach in the Harrisburg area. I gave Bill a hug and asked about Alyssa's sister, Megan, as well as Bill's girlfriend, Tammy. He explained that since he can only take one on the bike, both were coming by car and would be there shortly.
We got in line for grub and *much* to Chris' delight, they had divided plates (food can't touch). They had quite a selection nosh-ables - salad, raw veggies, cheese & crackers, hot dogs, hamburgers, pulled pork BBQ, Italian sausages, and baked beans. While we were eating, Megan came over to visit with me. We talked about Alyssa and I visiting her once she moves to Philadelphia next month and doing all the touristy stuff - Liberty Bell, etc. That works for me, Megan!
After lunch, we went to look at all of the motorcycles in the parking lot. Our rarest find - and a real treat in my book - was a Honda DN-01. I think it's a wicked cool motorcycle; I think it looks like a shark. And the best part? It's an automatic! Now THAT is a motorcycle I could ride...LOL! We showed Bill our Connie and then we walked down to check out his snazzy red Harley - I really liked the metallic gold flecking in his paint job.
Can you go wrong with Mickey on your fender?!? :) |
Looking down the left side of the parking lot... |
...and then the right side. |
BullBQ is the concession stand/caterer at the pavilion.
The pulled pork was quite tasty! |
Following Ann, Dan, and Chris back to the picnic area from the dealership. |
The pavilion was HUGE! It's open Fridays, Saturdays, and Sunday, with a "Biker Breakfast" at 9 AM on the second Sunday of each month. |
The menfolk look contemplative. |
A Honda DN-01 "in the wild." |
I know most people don't think much of the DN-01, but I really like it! |
There it goes! |
I didn't get to see the guy that owned this bike, but if my Gixxer theory holds true, he was a hottie. |
Another Gixxer. Another hottie?!? Again...didn't see the rider. |
The new KLR...schaweeeeeet! |
Bill's Harley Davidson |
We walked back over to the dealership to check out the bikes, apparel, and tchotchkes. Chris saw two cool signs for the garage - one said "Man Cave" and the other said "Motorcycle Parking Only - All Others Will Be Crushed." I saw a pretty cool ponytail clip thingie (technical, I know). When we returned to the picnic area, the "reindeer games" had begun. They had slow ride races, two-up tennis-balls-on-cones races, and a competition for the tightest U-turn.
The dealership's's HUGE! |
Funny poster inside the dealership. |
Lined up for the slow ride "race." |
The tennis balls-on-cones competition. |
These two had a perfect run! |
There goes Bill & Tammy on their way to Gettysburg for Bike Week. |
This guy showed up on his new Multistrada in a shirt and tie?!? |
He then proceeded to compete in the tightest U-turn contest. |
I think the fix was in, because the guy on this FJR *rocked* his U-turn, but didn't win anything. |
These two guys - one on a police bike - entertained the crowd with their intersecting figure-8s. |
Back over at the dealership, they had this Chinese QLink XF200 for sale for $2,000. |
They also had this 2008 Concours 14 for $9,500. |
Paul Sr.?!?'s just the caterer. |
Chris with his to-that-point losing door prize ticket. |
Shortly thereafter, he won me a hat! |
Dan and Ann ready to roll out for home. |
Kris asks, "We will make a fuel stop, right?" |
Once the games ended, we suited up and set out on the journey home. Chris led the ride home, as well. We headed south on US 11 to I-81 south to the PA 233/Newville exit. In Newville, we turned left onto PA 641, stopped in Spring Run at the intersection with PA 75 for a fuel stop. While there appeared to be three fuel options at each pump, it was actually two selections of 87 and one of premium. :( Another oddity? No pay at the pump option - it was pretty funny to walk past Dan standing at the pump staring at it looking for the credit card slot with a "What the...?!?" look on his face. He promptly sent Ann into the shop with his credit card.
We ran PA 641 up to Shade Gap where we hopped onto US 522 north to Orbisonia. In Orbisonia, we picked up PA 994, which we rode all the way to PA 26. We wound up taking PA 26 all the way back to State College. We'd originally intended to take US 22 out of Huntingdon up to PA 305 in Alexandria and we really wish we had. Just outside of Huntingdon, we (very unwillingly)
joined a Harley parade. I really wish I'd known we were going to be in a parade today...I would have stuffed my pockets with candy to toss to small children! Where the speed limit was 55 MPH, we were lucky to break 40 MPH. It was an expletive-inducing ride, to say the least. In the absence of passing zones and with three bikes following us, we were forced to remain "in formation" with this crew until they finally...*thankfully*...turned off onto PA 305 in McAlevys Fort.
More barns...yay! |
There's Dan & Ann and Kris. |
A green barn! |
And a white one. |
This restaurant was across the street from the gas station in Spring Run.
Notice the pineapple on the sign! Ponder that! :) |
Thomas the Tank Engine was at the Rockhill Trolley Museum when we went by! |
There's Thomas' train...look at all of the kids! |
Cool old church. Hmmm...a new back-of-the-bike photo subject?!? Perhaps... |
But for now, I'll stick with mostly barns. |
My view and my reflection! |
Raystown Lake as seen from PA 994. |
BMW with a sidecar on the streets of Huntingdon. |
Oh goodie...let's join the parade! |
OMFG...twist the throttle already!!! We're doing 15 UNDER!!! |
Stacked up behind the parade. |
The best picture I could get of Chris and me. |
Coming back over PA 26, I caught these two snogging at the Jo Hays Vista. |
It was an absolutely beautiful day, as evidenced by the blue skies in the side view mirror. |
Once out of the parade, we were able to pick up the pace along PA 26 back to State College. Jim split off from the group onto PA 45 east, Kris left us near Cato Park, and we parted ways with Dan and Ann along Valley Vista Drive. We arrived home at 6 PM having put another 261 miles on the Concours. She sits at just under 14,000 miles with eight days until her first birthday. Can we hit 15,000 miles in one year? We're certainly going to try!!!
But what about the gum mentioned in the title, you ask? This blog post brought to you (not really) by Trident Layers Green Apple/Golden Pineapple gum - the "sweet and welcomey" gum. I think I introduced Dan and Ann to their new favorite fruit-flavored gum! :)
The new official gum of the Nittany Road Riders? Perhaps... |
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